Friday, October 15, 2010

Stepping It Up

Okay, I am not sure what I'm writing down right now. Not really, I'm pretty aware of what I'm writing. Okay, the sun don't shine every day and the moon is always there when it's day time. Okay, I don't know how tell a good joke sometimes. All right then, things are sounding a little awkward right now. Ha ha. I'm not so sure but I'm really confident so I'm willing to become sure from being confident with something so that means I'll be self-adjusting myself when the situation calls for it.

I'm going on vacation so I have to pretty much leave an extra post so that when I do get back, I won't be behind. I guess that's not that bad, going on vacation for one day every week. Especially on a Friday night and then coming back Sunday afternoon. It seems pretty refreshing to take those short vacations to go somewhere pretty often. It's better than imagining a dumb video game in your head everyday. It's better to explore the horizons and get some fresh air.