Friday, November 19, 2010

Exploring Interests Part 2

Growing up hasn't really been that rough on me actually- I was more like a hypochondriac ha ha because of those panic attacks occurring from trying to get good grades and please my grandpa or parents who sort of influenced me to do it for being successful and happy. I really owe some credit to my grandpa; he really wanted his nephews to study hard and become a doctor.

I remember this guy who was a paraplegic talking about how he wanted his kids to do nothing but study, and I was like didn't you not study that hard and mess around too much; in a way, it seems to be so hypocritical which makes it hard to influence a child to push himself to excellence. My mom was pretty much the same way too and seems to have been pretty lazy about studying or had some type of depression in her life that caused her to not succeed that well. She grew up as a tom boy and felt her place in time was a little unfortunate.

Becoming a doctor would seriously be a lot of hard work and something that I would take pride in doing. I was just lacking in confidence to do things and with whatever I set my mind out to doing, I eventually got around to finding out a way to get it done. Striving is such a wonderful force to encompass. Now that I think about it, I believe that my grandpa just wanted all of his favorite grandsons to grow up to be compassionate and diligent adults- I was one of his favorite too and probably the most loved by him.

I'm grateful that I've managed to become older with a head on my shoulders- I'm still at a beautiful and young period in my life. I wish I could keep it steady with what I have and eventually, all people are going to have to make some difficult decisions no matter how weird they are and try to annoy you about it. I play like I could seriously be the X-factor or even be the guy who can't be relied upon but well-liked at the same time. I have the ability to do whatever I want and get away with it without ever being seen as evil even though some of it is not recommended for regular people.

There are so many choices to make in my life. I'm really glad I also found a higher calling dealing with establishing relationships- it's going to be vital in my walk; there's a woman who I truly admire and see her as a close sister still which is really healthy for me. I hope to marry an attractive girl someday at this nice church I attended when I was first introduced to sharing and my favorite cousin who was an aggressive joker- I used to whack him on the stomach probably hoping he wouldn't get fatter than me even though he is now; hey, I was fat too growing up; I thought it was so cool too. I would wrestle with my weight and prey on lighter friends and play so sick to probably make them cry- I made a bigger boy than me cry once. He also made me cry too so we're even. I will continue this again tomorrow.