Saturday, November 13, 2010

Remembering Some Things

I'm just really bored with wanting to type anything because I pretty much wrote I needed to put on here and because I'm already satisfied with what I used this blog for. Anyway, I'm just maintaining it by just writing away with another post. I'm pretty trying to average one post a day so by the end of this year I'm going to have written 365 boring posts on this blog. Woopi! Furthermore, some weird people think I'm going to do something on this blog, and they go on to read it like a hawk. If you find my blog entertaining, then thanks for just reading.

Okay, I am pretty much trying to get some exercise in daily. I'm stretching everyday also and seeing if those growth methods work. I don't care if I stay short or shrink now because my body is what is and I'm trying to keep it growing still at the age of being under thirty- that's all I really want to say right now. I'm accepting of my balding or never getting any taller; yet, I'm trying to prevent myself from getting there. I'm also trying to read the Bible daily, too; regardless of how big of a sinner I am. I'm still setting up a reliable income stream for myself. I'm on the verge of becoming so confident now that I could take on raising a family. I'm not going to say much about my dating life on this blog so much to the chagrin of the public looking at this blog, I don't really care. Pretty much last year was so interesting for me that I finally lived out what I needed to put on this blog that the unique experience was very much appreciated and including the people who unwittingly played in a role in my life by acting like my sister who was in a crazed, weird, and angry emotional state and making up exaggerated comments about me, which was fun to ridicule and for finally getting a hold of myself. 

This post should be more about my pathetic daily life and how I manage it to make myself happy despite the super amount of aggravation these people fed me with. I'm pretty much going to experience more research in making myself improve on this scene of scaling my business bigger. If I become a rich dude, am I going to be a rich jerk? I predict that I probably will try not to because money is easy to burn with fire and only interesting but naughty people worship money to the full extent. Money just helps alleviate some situations that it would help solve for some problem, so I think I'm gifted in that area of solving problems- pretty much, money will probably never really be an issue for me and that I will kick out people who try to take advantage of others after trying to suck money out of me. Hopefully, I will never have to worry about being a boss to these aggravating people and I will not have to go out of my way to feel really sorry for them and then offer them a great job. If I do, I will be happy if they do poorly because I will fire them and make sure I keep all records of how they did bad professionally and laugh about it in private daily or maybe if they try to run for office against me then maybe I'll have an edge over them.