Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Using Bible To Help Guide Me

Acts 9:31 says The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it grew in strength and numbers. The believers were walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible gives details that the early church was associated with doing miracles and attracting many people to be believers. Leaders of other religious sects were plotting to murder influential evangelists of Christ. Acts 7:60 says And he fell to his knees, shouting, "Lord, don't charge them with this sin!" And with that, he died.

Honestly, I feel like the majority of young adults and two pastors at the Hope of God Church in Los Angeles were missing the mark. They became restless and enraged by making so many complaints over things that shouldn't really be a bother. They said that they had the patience but really didn't because I was being in a way myself, and they were okay with it. They only said that to try to force me to change into their ideology.

They were emphasizing so much on their own personal wit, rather than living out what the Spirit of the Lord would want them to carry out. They were like lost sheep and totally trying to live out in being an enemy to Jesus without really knowing it. I don't seem to really mind thinking about these intractable and corrupted decisions that are part of the heart when they are trying to enforce good will now. I really see it and can actually have fun with them since it's part of a social atmosphere which I know I can heavily influence for something cool!

Overall, I really don't know if I do want them part of my Facebook family, LOL. They chose to give into their misfit attitude and weird ideology and don't know if they can snap out of it. I don't really want to be around people who only want to drag you down, but I also know how to have fun with them and seriously, cripple their desires to do bad things to others. They aren't that big in personality and not that well-known in this world; they are just a bunch of baby Christians among others who want to live in a world with complacency.