Sunday, November 21, 2010

Rules Of Engagement

Okay, I'm starting a new post- I'm getting pretty close to 365 mark with posts now. If I go a little over next month, then I'm taking a day off so I stay at 365! It should be a leap year in the next 2 years, then I will do 366 posts.  I didn't know that a leap year existed until some grade in elementary.

Right now, I'm going to look for doing a temporary job to do during the weekends. I really hate driving, giving customer service, and computer jobs right now because I'd rather work on things that interest me and not just for all the money; I don't want to spend so much money unless I'm following my heart because I don't have that much to invest right now. 

Aside from a sick road that I could take which I won't mention, I do like teaching or fixing stuff for a job. That's it, to build some more bankroll for my business, I could do the trades that I like during the week and then work part-time during the weekends (F-Sun) with stuff that interest me. I'm a church goer because I need to have that spiritual encouragement so if not Sunday, then there's another day of the week I could attend church because I go to a big one anyway.