Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Art of Making People Laugh

Sometimes, individuals feel that I'm being a pain to them. In these instances, it's important for me to try to get them to laugh by being the most natural I can be. Having a sense of humor can really be a life saver in general and throw away any bad feelings some people have about me. I think laughter is best experienced in person for the most part and in a spur of the moment kind of deal. I know that there's also observational humor which can be really funny too.

I guess it really takes a lot to get to know one. One of the hardest things I've had to deal with was dealing with others' irrationality- it's really hard to get a pinpoint of the source that caused it sometimes. Anyhow, when I'm experiencing it now I seem to think about how they should get some counseling to cope with whatever issue they have. Because of this thought process I have now, nobody is really acting irrational with me. It's strange how when a person thinks he or she has something all figured out after struggling with it, it never needs to really occur again.