Sunday, October 2, 2011

Realizing True Potentials

In life, there are always going to be a lot of implicit meanings because a person just can't explain every sentence that comes out of his or her mouth. Based upon reasoning with the given information, some useful deductions can come out of it even if the person wants to be laconic. By thinking about all the bad stuff in my head right now, I'm actually drawing positive conclusions right now which must be a sign of a good working mind right now haha.

I understand how girls can be crazy which is a sigh of relief for me. There were some really good girls I spoke to who told me that girls are crazy in general- I was just dumbfounded at the time and didn't have a clue of what they were saying. Now, I totally understand and can actually discern a pretty good deal of what's happening in today's world by observing others. I don't really need a girl to tell me how she's feeling- I can sort of sense it now if something is wrong with her.

Honestly, I'm a short guy and have to testify over and over again that it doesn't matter how small a person is- if he or she has all working body parts and is healthy with a studious brain then all may go well. One of my friends told me that his philosophy teacher in high school said something like, "Who cares about being short? Why did people build ladders? Everybody would have to use them anyway to construct a big house." I think when taller people bag on short people, it's only because they're making jokes about them so I get it now- I think it's actually funny too. Look on the bright side, taller people have a higher tendency of being negative about stuff and also live shorter lives than short, healthy people because a mutation in some genes that give a shorter person a longer life. My grandpa was really short and he lived to be almost 100 years old- no joke; being a short and healthy person can really be beneficial to a person who wants to live a long time. Women tend to be shorter than men and the life expectancy of women are also longer than men, so being small and soft is something that God must enjoy blessing in the circle of life.