Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Building Patience

Sometimes when I write on this blog it feels like I don't really want to continue doing this everyday. However, because of me trying to put something everyday it sort of feels abnormal even though I only average about one per day. I guess it's reasonable to deduct that I sort of like writing on here preferably on a daily basis.

I had a pretty interesting dream in that I was taking a reading comprehension test. I guess my brain was able to transmit all this information to my subconscious including the answer. With one answer, it felt like the answer was implying something in a subtle manner. I understand that some difficult reading questions require the person to have an extensive knowledge of vocabulary and skill of reasoning to draw down to the most appropriate answer. It's pretty much all about practice to get good at something like it.

For some reason, my reading skills lead me to comprehending still only about 85-90% when averaging out easy and hard questions. I guess it's good enough for me to pass in any educational system, so it's been quite a long ways for me.