Thursday, January 28, 2016

An Area of Regret

I made a promise to God that I want to go back on now. The saying goes from the Bible, it is to be careful about what you solemnly swear to the Lord. One guy in the Old Testament ended up burning his beautiful daughter to the stake because he made a promise to God that he would sacrifice the first thing he saw for the Lord. Maybe his dog should have ran past his daughter, but that's a really sad story.

I made this promise and now I feel like regretting it! My promise is to make a million dollars and get a six-pack and then visit a church that feels antsy about me being there. I'm just going to tell them what I'm doing and just walk out.

Yeah, I have been struggling with this inferiority complex of feeling short at the height of being only 5' 3" but yet everybody doesn't seem to really mind my short height. I don't seem to get discriminated because of my height, and I have even offended people from the stuff I wrote to them unwittingly and scared some too!

Basically, I can't go back on this promise I made to God because it's like hard wired in me to become a successful millionaire and get a six-pack. I have a decent job and plenty of time to practice my skills for becoming a financially independent and wealthy person.