Friday, January 8, 2016

My Faith in Jesus

A few individuals have used the argument that I'm not moral enough because I'm a Christian. I now get it supposedly. These people were like making threats with me in that they were saying things that never were going to happen anyway, but just telling me them because they were trying to make me feel bad.

I get that some people don't really have a thick skin, so here's the best argument in the whole world. I'm only 5' 3". The people I have been dealing with for the most part are taller than me. What they are bothered by is a 5'3" Asian guy who sent them some texts that they can't really decipher too well. They can't trust me for telling them anything because they are so bothered by it. Well, it's because they have an inferiority complex- just look at my height. My words must matter to them even though they don't understand it because they let it get to them. It's really silly. Because my words are more important than what they are feeling, I deny everything bad that they think and confirm everything good that they think, as long as it doesn't have a negative attribute about me!

Basically, I just say something like that and if they want to push something even further, I get up and leave. They can save the embarrassment for now and know that they let themselves get carried away. Everyone who followed through with them did the same, but it doesn't matter totally because I have a great personality with making a strong effort to let go of any resentment with them over the past. This is why I am meant to have really close friends and still do to this day.

I don't care about the restraining orders and how a little out-of-it girl thought I was a psycho! I am also recovering from bi-polar which I don't even believe myself at times. I was just depressed because I heard voices in my head that I couldn't get rid of. After they went away, I was a little bit over-happy all the time and I think I make myself super happy still and go overboard with that happiness all by myself because Jesus rocks! I believe God led me to the right person at the right time to be healed of my mental sickness at the time. It didn't cure my penchant for making other people with inferiority complexes mad though. Now, it all makes sense that other people feeling for these taller people and asking me to stop is because they themselves have an inferiority complex too and can't sort it out too well in a holistic or logical fashion.

There are some really cool and chill people who enjoy laughing and having a good time. I'm suddenly just flared up to socialize with people who had their fair share of struggles with me. I can deal with all types, even the angry and anti-social ones while they annoy me now. I don't need to join in with their inferiority complex in thinking that they are less of a person because they need to resort to those types of action to get what they want.