Saturday, March 19, 2016

Going For The Cool Option

It's just so much cooler to not be an angry guy that gives people a hard time by using humor and beating them silly with my genius-level intellect of taking advantage of people's feelings and throwing off their timing.

When it comes to a more logical approach, I'm going to be blown up by someone who is smarter than me! I hate to admit this, but it's true. Fortunately, I've been blessed that those circumstances I've found myself in isn't really that serious where using just simple logic would get me decimated. I hope I don't sign up for war and end up on the losing side going up against an enemy who will drop a nuke and wipe off everybody on this planet!

Okay, so my personality is pretty charismatic but it's so crazy at times. I don't put enough effort and I'm just doing all of this for fun. This isn't about making a living for myself, otherwise I would be about trying to be the best and spying on other people who are successful and trying to imitate their patterns a little bit too.

I've just settled into what I call my own comfort zone. I'm blessed and actually doing fine these days. I feel this upbeat and positive sense in me a lot. I'm so much more patient and willing to dodge silly arguments that would go nowhere now. When it comes to real serious issues, those are no times for playing games. I will be the best I can be. I'm actually really good at throwing off people when I want to for myself, but what I think I have is that my worst side of me is getting bothered by silly things. I think the devil knows this and so is continually pestering me over it.

I guess it would be boring to kill off a goody two-shoe for a bad guy, but if he could make fun of this guy from putting him through a lot of crazy incidents that he doesn't understand how to fight his way out of, the bad guy will just be laughing and having a good time for the rest of his life, if he could watch all the good parts. Basically, my weakest area is probably the strongest for some people, so with me being continually jaded and feeling testy, it's pretty much trying to live with my best manners in not giving into them while struggling on the inside.