Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Getting Back Into Shape

For the time being, I'm actually at the best shape of my life. Seeing a legit six pack on my abs is such a motivator for me and something that gives me encouragement. Also my weight easily drops after I gain a few pounds. I'm loving the fast metabolism that I've worked naturally hard for.

I think a lot of it has to do really do with just consistency. I must have finally got around to being a self-motivated type person. The one of the things that really helps me a lot is that I take a heavy fitness class that's just loaded with crazy and difficult exercises. I work out hard in them and surrounded by beautiful women as well. I mean it hasn't really been about the women. It's been like a healthy morning routine for me. I just do it naturally without putting that much thought into it. I'm not complaining as long as I get my work out in on those mornings.