Monday, August 29, 2016

Solving Past Puzzle

I've pretty much made up my mind with something in my past and there's no going back now. The thing that I can bring to the table is just mainly humor. I can shout and yell all I want and act pretty bad to get my satisfaction of relieving my frustrations, but what's that going to amount to if I just keep doing that and not letting it progress.

With these personal experiences I had and what I've done to overcome them, it's actually pretty cool to report. In the past posts that I haven't really removed yet, I've been writing negative about some group of people to just make fun of them. I even messaged them passive aggressive messages to get under their throat which I successfully did. I just wasn't satisfied from all of that because my anger issues weren't going away.

I just mainly counter punched what they did to me, by doing what they did to me back at them. I've even cautioned about doing it to them as serious remarks. It's been a total game changer. I have yet to try talking to them about how I'm better than them in a funny way and feel good about it. I'm only going to say that for negative things they to me that I think are too far-fetched to do back at them. Later on, it could get so bad that I do end up doing the same thing that they did back at them. I will have at least warned them, so I don't have to feel a guilty conscience about acting in that manner and still call them people who are "weak sauce."