Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Going Back To Goals

I think I need to lay off the Magic: the Gathering a little bit now. I've been playing a little too excessively. The thing about it though is that one of my closest friends is hooked on that game and I introduced it to him. I'm so happy that I have play buddy for one my best friends with a card game that I grew up with. I thought I was never going to get back into it because I had no one to play with.

I just felt like I didn't belong in the circle and out of place in social group setting. I think I was just too self-conscious about my surroundings. I wanted to be well-liked and all, so I guess I've been intending to be extroverted this whole time with my nature. I just scared myself into becoming an unhappy introvert.

Growing up T.V. was so depressing because I felt this sense of emptiness and boredom. I wanted to make some meaning out of my life and that feeling of how it was not that good while watching T.V. is something I can still feel today.