Monday, April 9, 2018

Different Perspective

I realize that some annoying people like to talk bad about others behind their back and are like "Don't let this out." It makes me laugh now to think about those past moments. It's really irritating to think now that those idiots weren't able to shut up! I was just like a quiet sponge and so defenseless. I was like their pet dog and unconditionally loving with my manners. I hated it so much.

When I cracked all of a sudden and went for a passive aggressive confrontation, they ended up getting terrified of me and called me crazy. It is what I is because I don't need to talk bad about others and compare myself to them with their negatives to make myself feel better. If I were to compare myself to those idiots, then I wouldn't have anything else to say because there is not much to them and they suck already! It would be depressing to feel good because I'm better than them because I have so much more to do in my life. To be filled with the joys of living and to keep on pursuing after accomplishing my goals, this is happiness to me.

It's just basically a waste of time to stay angry with the idiots of my past. I'm realizing this now and that for myself, I learned to be a more open person. What's helped me a lot is to hang with really cool and smart girls. They are cute too and probably sexy sometimes, but the important thing to me is that I learned to be a better person by opening myself up fully and being honest. This forces you to change because by not lying about yourself, you are actually working hard to improve yourself so you are not an idiot yourself. This honesty and improvement factors are very attractive to girls who you first meet and hardly know and actually went on a date with.

The cute girls I've gotten to know over the years have probably settled on me with just being friends and trying to be there for me with support and love and all of that good stuff except for an actual sexual relationship which is totally fine. I don't really need that from them because their company has meant so much to me and just doing cool stuff together, but they also have annoying sides to them as well so I guess that's why I'm so iffy about giving into some sexual temptations with them and just block it out if that ever happens to me.