Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Height Really Might Not Matter

I talk about how short I am and people silently chuckle or think it's funny especially to mention in basketball. I talked about how because I'm short I became discouraged to play basketball. It's not really serious because I haven't chosen basketball to be my profession and God bless those athletes who do.

I think even with a guy being short, he can still command a pretty good presence from being a great host or alpha male. I don't know what it's like to be an alpha male, but it's huge and attractive to girls who first come to meet you. I might have had something like that from being older than everybody in my group and just chill about it and also from having a healthy body with a good head on my shoulders. I guess it would make sense for girls who are looking to settle down to really take some interest in me, even though I'm short. It's crazy how a short guy can still look very sexy to a taller girl or of the same height. It could be that I like to have a nice clean face while treating the skin with this girl product, so maybe that's why I look good to a girl of the same height because she's going to see my face quite often!