Sunday, November 17, 2019

Defining Personal Goals

I'm going to take the liberty to share what I'm looking to obtain and acquire. Well, the crazy part about me is that I'm no longer really shy about backing down from an argument now. I have been making sense while just relentlessly attacking an old friend's character and laughing at him. He really just continues to take it, so he's been in a way my sparring buddy with handling arguments. He's a socially awkward knucklehead! I call him an average dumb joe all the time, but I'm never going to mention who on here because it just doesn't feel right.

For fun, I do play the piano and sing songs while planning to make that my revenge someday with this old crazy crowd from playing them successfully on their stage, but I'll have to put in a fight to get that spot. It's a little thing I do still and it's fun to go out and do Karaoke while checking up on how I perceive my singing voice is doing. I've recorded myself several times to not my enjoyment at times. I like how I sound live much better while trying to perform it in front of others.

I'm really looking to go to the gym and lift some weights and build muscle while getting some crazy sexy abs all for myself. I'll just be feeling good and then making a pass at sexy fitness ladies since I'm attracted to them and not caring if they reject me or not because it probably won't be from lacking anywhere with myself physically by then.

I have acquired over twenty cooking books and haven't even touched the bulk of those recipes yet! I have done a few and shared it with some friends who actually like those dishes, so that's been fun. I would like to keep on exploring those recipes. Currently, I'm into creating dishes that are good and don't take that long to make like using a pressure cooker. It's still quite a bit of work with preparing the ingredients and having to go out and pick it up at a store. I just might go back into Amazon Fresh to have all those items delivered to me on the same day by whenever I ask them too. It will just save so much time with searching for items at a grocery store.

Ultimately, I would like to stay wealthy off of swing trading and playing some really good online Poker so basically being a competitor of taking other people's money and what a lot of them like to do. I'm pretty comfortable about it now. Along with that, I would like to go into the business of developing software and be a part of every intricate detail so that would mean non-stop learning for me with doing the managing of people, design, and actual engineering work.

Lastly, people play an important role in my life. Love them or hate them, I can't stop loving them even when a person occasionally gets me to flip my handle. I'm pretty mellow even for an angry person, so I'm just probably going to be more vocal about my concerns and disagreements with those crazy boneheads. Once I'm able to find something like my life-long lover and partner now, I think that's living a complete life for me, along with always making some time each day to try to hear the Lord out from meditating on His Bible and praying which is based on my Christian faith.