Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hanging Out With Old Buddy

There's an old high school buddy and he is the closest organism to me known as the oldest friend I have kept in contact with all these years. Boy, he is still dumb about personal awareness and social issues! I text him that he is an average dumb joe often and he just takes it and keeps on being friends with me. He just works very hard at simple tasks to come up with something complicated that he finds satisfying but doesn't connect it very well to mainstream. In a way, he's still a kid who is programmed to keep imagining all the bad stuff that could happen around him while approaching middle age.

This kid who is the same age as me used to trigger me often when he talked and I would just go off on him while talking about how stupid his beliefs are which would always end up hurting his feelings. He still does the same, but he's a little wise about what he says around me because he treats me like company who can run off of him again which I have done countless times, only to still let myself be around him. I think I'll just keep it going with hanging out with him less often and leaving things on a good note; otherwise, he will just be too annoying for me to personally handle.