Monday, November 18, 2019

Putting Up Perseverance

I want to build up more of a work horse mentality while maintaining my personal confidence. On top of that, I want to keep on working out, start cooking, and looking to go out there and meet more people. I guess it's just all the natural things to do. I'm going to do my best to limit personal entertainment and find pleasure in the things I'm working on. I know it's going to be pretty hard to do, but I want to catch on to something that's going to be really rewarding. 

I think as long as you hang on to the personal confidence and keep on putting in the effort then you are good. Emotionally it hurts with the thought of losing my asexual partner but then again, I don't think I'm going to be marrying her right now so might as well just go explore and try to build more relationships. I mean she's moving away next year to start her awesome, medical career while making lots of money. She's probably going to try to pick up an actual life partner by the time she settles with all the space she's going to have to herself. I mean I think that's cool. She did invite me out to come live near her for some reason, so it's not like she's leaving me behind all of a sudden. I think we will continue to plan some more cool family trips together, so it's not going to be a huge worry for me. Hopefully, by then I'll feel rich and sexy enough to find an ideal date even though I'm barely putting in the effort to look around while trying to figure out my game.