Friday, November 22, 2019

Things To Work On

It's pretty hard to not let my mind wander and do fun stuff still with my time even though I have managed to miraculously get myself out of a video game addiction. It's more like procrastination to me, but I'm feeling that stress and how my mind just wants to play while reflecting on the day's events or how good my relationship is with my asexual partner. She thinks it's weird the way I mention that to her and thinks of me as the guy friend she cares about the most and an older brother.

Yeah, it's working out because I'm treating her like a partner and all supportive while knowing it's an open asexual relationship! I think that could very well be what a close friendship with the opposite gender is if there's a special bond like we share. I know she feels accepted and treasured by me from the way I have adjusted to her temperament. She's sick with a physical condition right now, so I feel it's sort of my rightful place to try help her out a lot.