Monday, November 25, 2019

Getting Back To Managing Stress While Having Fun

I haven't in a long time studied for long periods of time like cramming for final exams. It's obviously very stressful and feels mandatory to deal with it while taking least amount of breaks as possible if you are struggling to get a good grade in the course and it's currently a little below than what you desire. On the other hand, if it's so fun and enjoyable then it would make it more worthwhile to get ahead of less concerned students and be in the running for a healthy competition among the best.

There are also fun activities that could sometimes be really stressful to deal with like doing a lot of preparation to try to seduce a nonchalant lover! Those moments can sometimes be a little tricky to manage personal time with because it might just feel more fun to let yourself get carried away and make time to watch addictive shows. It probably takes a good amount of self-reflection and self-awareness to reach those higher limits that might currently feel out of reach. A couple questions to ask yourself could be, is it already too overwhelming because it just might not be that cut out or interesting for you anymore? Are you just in it because you only need a certain dosage of it and want to instead enjoy yourself more?