Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Thoughts About Dating Hot Women

I think relating to what might go on a hot lady's mind is that one can never really tell because ladies are individuals! This being said, I'm going to try to focus on something general from having put some thought into it. A hot lady is basically a person and still a girl. She might have some privileges from others or just annoyed by how so many unattractive guys like her based on just the looks. There might also be quite a few who enjoy being seen upon as hot, too, and not mind the attention.

In the long run of a human life, everybody is going to grow into looking something like a granny or grandpa someday if they can live that long. Maybe on the exception of plastic surgery, someone can make him or herself look younger and attractive still but it's never going to be super hot! The good looks that was there with all the hot ladies will be leaving her someday, so this gets me thinking that maybe an intelligent woman who happens to be hot could be not wanting to stress out about this and choose a guy who she feels a true connection with and ideally physically attracted to. For a lady, I think her decisions about settling down with a partner is mainly based on her emotions, more than how for guys they are visually stimulated on the go when they spot someone really attractive. There probably are some girls who think like guys also, so it's not always going to be all fitting into one category.

So basically I'm attracted to slender women, but what if I find someone to have kids with and she ends up keeping her bigger weight after pregnancy? I might actually make some women feel insecure about this thought if I ended up dating her, so she could be thinking that there's really nothing to build upon with me already and get ready to move on. Maybe all this machoism that I like to proudly display might be a little too much for some girls out there.

Yet, I still think there's a universal pass for all straight guys out there to reach the best single women out there. I can relate it to like starting up a hot business and attracting a lot of good-looking women. I guess the good looks fading will be something that every shallow guy out there in the world will have to deal with towards his partner, or just join the club of average dumb joes like one of my disappointing friends has already!

To get started, like one of my buddies who is pretty much the runt of his family, he is lazy so that's already a no-go. He can't really focus on getting through the hardships to get to his happiness so he doesn't have that perseverance which is an attractive quality and found in so many self-made rich guys. There's one thing about being wealthy, in that it does attract women especially if it happened from putting in a lot of hard work. It's about being one of the lucky few with social privileges, which having money brings, and not a lot of women out there are rich in general so they could possibly desire their man to spoil them and treat them like a princess!

It's really about having this attitude and demeanor that just matches up and connects well with the attractive woman. It's also about being there at the right time and right place without really any other distractions. My current distraction really is developing myself and even though I'm able to project tons of personal confidence, which is handsome in the eyes of common people despite being a shorty, I still have to put in the work to reach that physical state to earn all this credit that will afford me some good dates with the hot, single ladies out there.