Monday, November 4, 2019

Reaching Back For Some Old Things

Well, it really looks like I would like to go back to applying some facial products to have some fun with clear skin and to also double down on my hair loss prevention products. They haven't really made me lose any more hair, and I have been growing thin hair strands. I'm just working at trying to make them get thicker and not fall out! I also would like to do some more of those growing taller stretches too just to see if I can get any more taller. I managed to get 1/2 inch from applying them at the age of 27.

It's just that it's tiring to remember to do all of these things. I can manage to conduct hygiene including brushing my teeth and taking a bath once a day regularly but it's hard for me to brush my teeth again and apply some more hair loss prevention products before I go to sleep. I'm finding myself glued in to doing something, and I think I just need to force myself out of that concentration momentarily to focus on these little tasks before heading back in. It's probably that I don't want to be so tired afterwards and go to sleep while missing out on what I was indulging myself in.

Regardless though, I'm still finding myself going straight to bed without putting much thought and not already doing enough as I had planned. Maybe I just need to try calling it right there and move on to the next day. Honestly, I think if I can be really squared away with the current personality I have then I might be able to maintain a future marriage with a beautiful single lady who is made out of some fine substance!