Monday, November 11, 2019

Getting To The Meaning Of It

Yesterday, I did feel a little vulnerable about not being married to a lady I want to be with. I felt this uneasiness but when I left the house to just go outside, the change of environment just felt so much better. I guess I'm meant to be outdoors then. When I'm inside my home, I want to have this feeling of sharing it with my wife someday. When I go outside, then it's going to be fun I suppose and maybe I'll be able to take my wife and kids which I both don't have currently along with me for the ride too!

What kept me going while I was feeling human yesterday is that I willed myself forward by leaning on working towards confidence and hard work mainly. It's nice to have this drive, but what would have satisfied it further is to base those things off of being inspired from my faith in God. I just need to put in the physical work and it's a pain to get myself started each day! It's pretty funny with how I realize that now.