Thursday, April 15, 2021

Benefits of Self-confidence

I think being self-disciplined is mainly possible from having already made up your mind with what you want to do. If you are stuck from lacking so much self-confidence like I used to and had minor mental instability issues while being sharp as nails sometimes, it's just going to take a whole lot of those smart genes to wake yourself up!

Self-discipline just means that you acknowledge you have a beautiful goal in mind and realize that life sucks at the moment but you should just keep on putting work into it because you feel like you have to. Try letting self-discipline become hours and then days and then get it close to a hundred years!!! I wouldn't even be surprised if someone became mentally tougher than a Shaolin Monk! 

Applying self-discipline into my life, I already have self-confidence and plenty of it so now it's just self-acknowledging that the moment feels like it just sucks but you are going to still do it because you feel like you have to. This is pretty much applying self-discipline in a nutshell. Having a wonderful attitude about self-discipline is tough sometimes, but that's where self-confidence comes in if you don't already have it. 

I'm starting to see what this meaning is from an intuitive sense, so might as well get my stuff together.