Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Living the Average Life

After being alive all this time, I have a personal standard of what it means to be average. I don't need to go anymore above it after to be happy. What I think is average may not be what people believe really is, but in a way it does make sense. 

For me, being average in today's world means being a millionaire with a nice home, married to a beautiful wife or good husband with kids, physically fit, and enjoying a good life. If a person can't obtain this from not knowing how or given up on it then I think he is just plain dumb! It does require intelligence and enough patience to get that point. If the person chooses not to be average and is already happy about it, then I don't think it would even matter to him! 

Based on what I described to be average, I think a lot of people in this world can't do enough for just that. Including myself, they all deserve to be where they are at from not having been smart enough and also patient. If anyone cares about it and thinks someone else isn't deserving to be there, it really shouldn't be their problem to complain about and should go consult a therapist.