Sunday, May 22, 2022

Finding Acceptance Through Weakness

Height shouldn't really matter in general or any appearances you were born with to start out in life. It's just messed up to say something negative or turn people down because of it in general, along with if there is a romantic connection and not already in a committed relationship. It would just mean the person who does it in that case has a problem for him or herself. This person is the one who needs to do some growing up, while the person on the other end who receives it needs to accept it in mindfulness and go about life while possibly moving on if he or she finds someone better to be in a relationship with. 

Women are the weaker vessel and so it can look like how they are acting so weird sometimes if you don't really know them. I'm able to accept these things now because I'm understanding the things that really offended me from what estranged friends did to me.