Saturday, May 28, 2022

Practicing Self-discipline

It looks like now that I want to become better at prolonged concentration while maximizing my output at a high quality. It's quite nice to be an athlete because there is an endgame stage in which all of them work so hard to make a living. 

I was watching the Winter Olympics yesterday and saw the inaugural final competition for women's freestyle ski jumps. The best athletes performed amazing aerial tricks like doing a 1620 degree spin while landing it perfectly backwards! It's pretty unheard of these days. 

The gold medalist is Chinese American and she has a side occupation as young, pretty model. She's also very intelligent.

From thinking about it with this whole dating aspect, I thought she looked very pretty but that's not what I'm really looking for in a partner anymore. 

You can just expect looks to fade in a long, happy marriage. It's not the very reason that a couple should stay together forever. To base it on physical attraction is more like looking at things you were already born with and it's superficial. I don't think the people who make a judgement call with dating based on physical attraction are that great people in the moment and have room to grow more as a person.

I used to be one of those superficial guys too who was all into appearances, but I've grown out of it now. I'm basing it off of looking for a deeper romantic connection that will permanently last. I think a lot of people don't work on this and only a few are lucky to be able to do this so naturally with their soulmates. It's quite offensive to me that others would be shallow, but I'm going to practice mindfulness while going on living. 

I think it's nice though to continue working on improving my physical appearance with the things I can naturally change, while letting go of the things I can't and excusing it as too superficial while not worrying about it any longer.