Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Understanding My Role as a Friend

I'm interested in seeing people grow as individuals because if I don't do something about it under my watch then it's going to drive me crazy. It took me a long time to figure this out, but now that I've come to terms with it and understand how to make myself happy, it's time to reveal it here. 

I want to be something like my own form of untrained therapist friend with individuals who do things that are offensive to me like deleting me as a friend on Facebook when I didn't do anything that was seriously bad to them. If it was, then they should try to sue me which I will end up defending and/or filing a counterclaim. I am also unashamed to reveal this while laughing about it in front of their faces. 

This becomes easy because I want to feel good by trying to motivate them to grow as a person while talking about the offensive things they did to me as an example. I have practiced being mindful enough to separate my negative emotions and keep them in check while behaving in a proper manner. I'm lucky enough to be overcoming it without getting any help while being satisfied working on it alone.