Monday, May 9, 2022

What I Think Dating Preferences Might Be Based On

I believe dating preferences are rooted off of insecurities and personal vulnerabilities based on our experiences of growing up. These preferences are irreconcilable at the moment, but as we grow as a person they can be overlooked. I think the ideal dating partner will look for only matching values and a romantic connection besides just pre-screening others based on a superficial attitude. 

Because so many ladies and gentlemen are like this on dating apps, it feels too overwhelming for me to navigate around already. I don't want to pay for it either or open myself up to any possibility. It's just my preference to put myself out there in person like the traditional way and allow myself to take a rejection after trying to flirt with a single lady of interest without feeling any hurt out of it, if it does happen. 

Honestly, I'm capable of putting down shallow ladies and making them feel offended from making offensive jokes that reciprocate things about me. Even my close friend was saying I was being too overboard, but now she's taken a step back from advising me. I feel very confident with being opinionated and totally rocking others who are shallow and going to look down on me in any way with the physical shell I was given. They can also stand to grow more as a person and become better like my soulmate who is such a superficial and negative numbskull!  

I think it's better to always keep these negative thoughts that are superficial preferences and something you can't change about others within yourself. It's better to reveal them when you are being confronted with these types of talks by others. 

My soulmate talked too much about dating while she was single and became too negative about it. After offending her, I hope she will grow as a person and won't ever speak or express it in that manner to others.