Monday, May 16, 2022

Making Money

I'm starting to figure out that I have three ways of mainly making money on the side apart from my main job. With my investments, I have some going into savings with stocks, my 401 K, and a very small interest from a bank. 

I want to do a great job with my work, but it looks like I really want to stay home and not really have to focus on working and make money by taking it fairly from other people in a competition. Zero sum games are essentially pure competitions where you have a set of established rules and then do all you can to take the most money from the market cap. It's like having wealth transferred over to you from less prepared players. It's the way life is and I plan to spend it wisely and even give back a portion of it. I might as well, since this is the type of lifestyle I'm personally attracted to and will make me happy. It's there and it's a legal and fair game while paying taxes to the country and nobody is complaining except for the unfortunate players who lost all their money and possibly important relationships or possessions from not being smart enough about it. 

It's essentially a job in itself so I think there's a moral responsibility if you do well in it to not squander wealth that once was under the custodianship of someone else. It's never really theirs to begin with and neither isn't mine. It's just a privilege to be comfortable and interested enough to make a living while putting in the effort and playing it safe. I don't think it even violates the Bible even though I do feel sad for those people. They shouldn't be playing it, but it's legal and the transfer of having this wealth is something I feel I can do a better job under my watch and hopefully they will grow as a person and come to their senses. This is practically where you can detach your emotional worries and just do what you love doing to earn money even if it bothers some people who don't understand it. These people just need to grow more as an individual and hopefully, they will.