Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Core Values

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. Fall in love with the type who fulfills my preferences and then marry this good woman. 
  2. Buy a single family home. 
  3. Do some smart cooking.
  4. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products.  
  5. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam!
  6. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  
  7. Conduct regular hygiene. Take shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard.
  8. Finish my software engineering related courses. 

What do I value most in life? It's my faith in having a personal relationship with Jesus.

What else do I value most? Understanding what to do for any situation.  

What gives my life meaning? Coming up with a decent plan and then feeling great about it if I executed it after looking back on it.  

When have I been the happiest and most overwhelmed with joy? Finding Jesus when my soul felt so lost. Persevering through difficult and stressful assignments and coming up with a perfect solution (e.g. it happened from completing programming projects). 

What value was I honoring then? Glory. Perseverance while going through a rough patch. Patience. Always keeping a nice exterior while feeling some turmoil. Gritty. Good character. 

When have I felt on top of the world? Finishing something mentally or physically challenging like running long distances or solving a difficult puzzle.

 What aspect of my true nature was I honoring at the time? Patience, perseverance, commitment, self-confidence, hard work, optimism.