Tuesday, November 29, 2022

My I Believe About Life, Myself, Others, and Money

  4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. I want to be married to a hot woman who enjoys making love almost all the time and to have this undying love and companionship with her and then maintain or raise a loving family while being a wealthy man! I must choose and be loved by this woman. 
  2. Buy a single family home. I must be rich!
  3. Do some smart cooking. I must be vigilant, committed, not distracted, and feeling lots of time.
  4. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products. I must feel comfortable.
  5. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam! I must be committed and remind myself. 
  6. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  I must be committed and remind myself.
  7. Conduct regular hygiene. Take shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard. I must be committed and remind myself.
  8. Finish my software engineering related courses. I must be committed and remind myself. 
Purpose: "I am brilliant and universally favored by others therefore I will live the life of a wealthy gentleman." 

Life is about enjoying it and doing all you can to be aligned with the ways of Christ! Life isn't perfect and there's going to be times of happiness and sadness. 

When it comes to my life I just feel good about myself in general and keep on going after my main goals after setting my mind on it. I let myself be distracted to keep myself happy and don't enjoy everyone telling me how I should live my life.  

In my life it always seems that I could have gone back in hindsight and done things a little differently to have a better outcome for myself. My life is overall a work in progress but I am working on things that interest me. 

I am a capable person and believe that I am above average in intelligence, but I still need to put in the effort and time to be able to work through the practicality of things. I always seem to just try to go for it whenever I can and don't like to give up in general. 

I wish I knew how to execute things properly and be able to do things barely enough to get the best in life. In terms of my ability, I usually learn after realizing the mistakes of others and myself. 

When it comes to achieving my dreams I like to take my time and not kill myself over it if it doesn't come to pass. 

People are a mixture of good and bad. Some are very chill and others just try to impose their weird order of will on you. Relationships are not that hard to deal with, especially the ones that matter the most. 

When it comes to other people, I find that I generally don't really mind too much what's on their minds. People always like to leave me be unless they're working on make a living. When I need support from people, they are not something I would figure to be great unless they are close to being world renowned experts or sense they are natural or humble about it. 

Money is earned from working for it. When it comes to money I try to always game the situation in a legal fashion and look to up the ante. With regard to making money I want to obtain it as easily as possible. As a businessperson I am not that interested in making sales, so I prefer investing and trading. Rich people are important to this world economy and can afford to do a lot of cool vacations!