Saturday, November 19, 2022

Spending More Time Wisely

4AverageLife's Main Personal List
  1. Fall in love with the type who fulfills my preferences and then marry this good woman. 
  2. Buy a single family home. 
  3. Do some smart cooking.
  4. Work on applying clean stuff to my face. Buy related products.  
  5. Continue to do growing-naturally-taller routines, even if some of them are a scam!
  6. Work out four days a week with alternating muscular, full body,  and yoga classes.  
  7. Conduct regular hygiene. Take shower before sleeping. Don't forget the mouth guard.
  8. Finish my software engineering related courses. 

I think it really comes down to what is worthwhile for you. With my close friend being a younger woman and even though she's said stuff to me before that I consider to be rude, she's still hitting me up to hang out with her one-on-one. I don't really mind I guess since I've grown to care for her as a person even though she's already taken and I don't seem to be interested in her yet. 

I'm just working on practicing basic chemistry now with her and from doing this, I don't ever feel that salty about being around her. It's turning out to be like a little secret for myself that she will never get to know about. It could just be this great mindset that I'm naturally in from reminding myself to do this. It's getting a positive reception from my friend, too! 

I have been learning to be mostly self-happy. I am interested in this one pretty girl and her looks don't have anything to do with it. She seems friendly and nice from waving hello to me every once in a while when I pass her on the street near the office. I wonder if she can ever become interested in me in that sort of way and also if she's already taken.