Sunday, September 11, 2011

Busy Busy

Times are looking like I'm going to really be busy- so busy that I won't probably be able to blog maybe even for a couple months. Therefore, to meet my daily quota of one per day to make exactly 365 posts- it may seem like I'm writing a lot in one day. It might be one of those moments where I just write stories, poetry, and make up anything that I want to say.

Maybe I'll be writing in one paragraph per post because having 365 paragraphs to cover one year doesn't sound like a hard personal chore for me to cover. I'm starting to turn into a real adult now- meaning that I'm aware of my surroundings and really stable underneath. It feels great, and I don't feel that unhappy with myself anymore. When somebody wants to say that I'm short or ugly or anything like that, I'm feeling like "Man, come on!" and with a smile on my face now. I think that means you're like an adult when you get to that kind of state. It's okay for little kids to smile when someone calls them a squirt and feel like "Man, come on!" The child is definitely a pretty wise guy then if he or she could feel that way and seriously still manage to be a happy camper. I guess I'll teach my kids with my current wife to never feel down when someone criticizes what they look like to still put a smile on their face. I don't care if my kid is short or tall- what they're born with is how they are going to be and I'll be sure to encourage them to become confident adults now to help them succeed.  You know- maybe my short daughter (or son, if it goes there) might even become CEO or a multi-billionaire and make me proud; whoever he or she becomes, I think I'll be a happy dad someday.