Saturday, September 17, 2011

Taking A Nose Dive With Writing

It's just one of those days where I'm sitting around a cooling room and just thinking about something wonderful like how beautiful my wife is. Having beautiful kids was something that I never really dreamed of when I was little. I think with age and just the phase of growing up, it just dawns on some people. It's life- take it or leave it; make the most you can or leave it; heck, if I still had the body of a little kid then I would keep trying to find something to make my life meaningful. Finding a wife would be really hard and people would laugh at the thought of it, but I don't seem bothered by it anymore.

I'm not saying that being a midget sucks. He or she is still a human being, including my sister who is like a border line midget. I think after she did some exercises, it only intensified my view of her as she became smaller before my very eyes.  Because my sister is not really a midget, then I guess she's just classified as short along with everybody else whose shorter than her including babies, yep. Hopefully, my sister isn't going to scream at me when she reads this- I doubt it because I think she wouldn't mind me poking fun at her like this; in fact, she sort of likes being short. It's sort of logical because many guys like to treat out smaller women and in her life, there are many taller guys out there who would want to treat her out.