Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Switching Gears

It looks like I almost had it all if I only made that decision slightly a little better. In life, being exact all the time would be great and save a lot of headaches and time. However, the draw back is that it takes immensely a lot of time and focus to get into the habit of it. Either way, a person is eventually going to have to pay for whatever he or she personally decided. If the practice of being a good person is so hard and not something a person wants to do because he or she might end up smiling about doing something selfish, you know what I mean; well then, it's going to add up no matter how sorry the situation becomes.

Seriously, it's hard to discern these types of moments without really being able to slow down and assess oneself. Just being on the go and then just completely shutting down right after going back home, it might really keep a person from seeing something about him or herself. Ultimately, being lucky for me meant that I put in a lot of determination and hard work. I guess getting lucky like that is really worth it and self-pleasing.

After exploring so many options and really thinking like an employer and researcher, I really know what I can do to be financially well-off now and have plenty of time to myself to do whatever I feel pleased to do. Obviously, with all the time I have, I really need to still give back to the needy- not all of my money, but an acceptable amount to try to help them get on the right track. Honestly, it's just logical for me to not really help everyone because I want to beat the competition too.