Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Labor's Day

I feel really organized right now and for being Labor's Day- that is not too bad. I've been invited out to also a bonfire so I think I'm going to be checking it out. I've also managed to redesign my blog a little bit to make it look a little more professional or in other words, a little cooler. Pretty much, what I did for about a half an hour was select some designs and when I said "Cool" to myself, I pretty much let it go and this is what I currently have.

What's cool about my body right now is that whenever I go out jogging this trail I live next to by my house, I'm losing about 1.5 pounds which is pretty nice. I only need to burn about five more pounds now and then I should be back to average. A few months ago, I was fifteen pounds overweight and now I'm chipping away at it and closing in on my average weight now which feels pretty nice. Not to mention, it didn't hurt that I managed to spank my body into growing an inch longer. Yes, it is amazing that a short guy like me managed to force my body to grow one inch taller; I'm a machine man. Yeah, okay- it's not a big deal.

Hey, I never knew this but I have some really pretty female friends haha. They are on my Facebook profile, so with those who decided to not be my friend anymore; well, they have some below average looks. Yeah, if they want to up their status in looks category with me then they have to add me as a friend again then I will claim that they are pretty. Hey, an extra vote into the feeling good category doesn't really hurt anyone. Just look what it did for them and how it upped my status when they did something bad to me- just saying, they should stop doing bad things to me. If they don't want to end up in a mental hospital and be very healthy and great looking people then they should let me in. Good stuff! Gosh, I can handle being honest and upfront with people, so it's not like the truth they wanted to avoid all this time will make them better people anyway. Might as well, get it out of their system and let it burn up with analogously doing fat burning exercises and become a better person.