Saturday, September 24, 2011

Dealing With Loneliness

Loneliness to me is just an emotion that lingers in my heart for awhile. It's just yearning for a companion underneath and looking for that pleasurable moment if people know what I mean. Being out on the road to earn money like this guy named Bah (how sheep cry) can be pretty hard on a bachelor like him. He obviously is probably used to being by himself so it would be easier for him to flip the handle when he's around others. He probably knows how to deal with these feelings of loneliness because maybe he prefers to honor God by not marrying or exercising any homosexual feelings- I have no clue whatsoever, I don't even know if he's sort of in that field from not marrying somebody.

My wife is beautiful by the way, but I'm only saying so I can get by this boring post that I'm making talking about who I think could be sort of on the other side of the fence. It takes commitment to be married to any woman, but it seems like not all marriages are made to be equal.