Thursday, June 4, 2015

Honest Assumptions

It's only like I have 100+ years left to live. I'm 32 now, so I'm going to live to be a 130+ years old, oh yeah. Making it happen while laying off of the cigarettes which I never did. I never found it amusing no matter how depressing or funny things got to light up a joint. I don't see how relying on a piece of plant to get a fix should be a highlight of someone's life. I just see it that way; I don't know about what others would feel.

I have lost a good patch of hair, or it's like thinning. I'm trying to make it get thicker again, and I think I still look similar from how I looked ten years ago. Maybe a little better because I'm pretty fond of my how my face appears. The only thing that's not going for me is my height, but women are the shorter gender in general, so why not mix things up a bit or two and let her still feel short! I guess I could join in on the fun by feeling that I'm among the tall guys in the sense that I'm a male. Okay, I guess I could think that way to lighten up.

My ambitions can be very strong, but I'm afraid that if those events don't come true then I'll end up hurting myself massively. The hurt feelings are what's limiting me from pushing further. One of my friend's brother is an idiot. He doesn't want to think he's making some mistakes with becoming happy and wants to stay the same way. I've seen him get depressed and a little teary in his eyes when I start talking about how couples are happy together and blessed to be together. Still, he just drops it right away and then goes straight into his pitiful agenda.