Friday, June 12, 2015

My Own Weirdness

Well yeah, I ended up going crazy with a few people who put a restraining order on me. They couldn't do anything about getting me arrested. Basically, I bugged the heck out of them without putting any thought into it or trying that hard. I honestly have an anger issue with the whole incident and would prefer people not bringing it up. The reason I'm not getting help for it is because I really don't want to pay for the issue, and it also doesn't really bug me and distract me from earning a paycheck and then hanging out with some good friends. I think the angry feelings just motivate me to get back at those individuals a lot harder than I would with a stranger. I've gone practically psycho too with my victims, who became helpless and don't know how to get me arrested. I get in the mood to bite my past restrainers' heads off whenever someone talks about the incident, so I prefer they really didn't talk so much about the past. It's really quite simple to combat a restraining order. Just don't talk or approach the person and hold it in for however long the person can manage to put it on you. After that was over, oh man, I became like the Hulk with those two people who put it on me. I was playing my A game, so you'll never think that I'm the kid with the restraining orders and coming to get you.

I'm a pretty brilliant kid, but my knockout punches come later on in life. Where it most counted for me, I have actually made an impact for some reason. I think it's because I'm naturally gifted at working hard for some silly things. I'm like such a high level and goody two shoe individual. I'm also just practically weird and quiet for the most part. I'm also very volatile to getting angry and then getting back at people, which turns into a pretty scary reputation and something where you just have to leave me alone and let me be while holding me in good regards.