Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Identifying Time Consuming Activities

I have hobbies and interests that take up a lot of my time and can pretty much interfere with my proper goals, which I find to be boring. I think becoming a millionaire with a six pack is boring sometimes because I don't think it's an impossible dream for me. It isn't impossible but might be very time consuming. Other than that, it's a promise I made to those angry people I want to see again. I guess I'm not taking my promise that seriously then because I must not really be in a hurry to go show off to them. It's like I'm making fun of them in my head without expressing it in real life because I'm trying to keep my manners.

It's a good thing I made that promise though because it motivates me when I'm feeling the anger and drive in a routine manner to go stick it to them. I really do like being a man of my word. However, with some promises I made with people, it really comes down to an agreement and when trust has been broken, then you are no longer really, morally obligated to stick to the promise. This is a matter of being right or wrong in an ethical manner. It doesn't make sense to continue doing something that would blow up the whole world with you if that wasn't your plan to begin with. Your boss could have been going that route, and you figured that out later after making some promises to him while thinking he is a good guy.

Okay, that makes me feel a lot better. I feel that being wrong is something you can't defend against after you identify it. It's like taking in the gut punch when someone tells you and see it with your eyes wide open. I'm actually a very funny guy when I'm mad at times, and I didn't see it for myself. I thought I was being so serious!