Wednesday, August 5, 2015

You Have To Anyway

The basic necessities are boring to me. Eating the proper nutrients and drinking plenty of refreshing water just feels so good when I'm thirsty. Oh man, those things are nice! It's just hard to remember because my mind is addicted to playing Magic: the Gathering. Right now, I'm not playing it and don't feel the urge that much. I feel like playing poker instead more!

I'm actually writing these contradictions on purpose because it's funny to me. I've argued in contradictions before to my sister and flustered her so much. It's been silly, and she ends up doing what I ask her to do which has been a compromise for me as well. I pretty much told her to be quiet the whole time and she's done that while I say stuff that I don't recall. I just remember saying some things with her friends around, and how they ended up laughing so much. My sister became so mad that she would start talking with a grouchy tone and while I was around. Maybe I should have confronted her about that and do the whole making her not speak act.