Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Wrapping Up Magic the Gathering

It looks like I have my ultimate deck in Magic the Gathering. I end up beating the snot out of it using another deck that I created, so I understand the strengths and weaknesses of it. However, it's so strong that when played properly with an appropriate starting hand, a win will be inevitable no matter what the other deck is composed of.

This game truly is a combination of luck and skill, just like poker. It's just that poker can be more costly or rewarding depending on your skill level. I have formed two decks and acquired two that I favor. I think my testing period of playing MTG is going to go back on hold and about enjoying some live game play with my buddies.

It's pretty interesting that in this popular card game, there really is no deck that will always remain undefeated. I guess that's just how the design of the game was intended. What I've noticed about this game is that there are two most influential schools of thought in the competitive world of this game. It's aggro versus control. Aggro is basically going in for a quick and decisive victory. Control is about being able to have the other opponent tormented by your finger tips and come to a demise.

My decks are usually what's called mid-range, which is somewhere in between fast and slow so it might take a little while to get it going.