Saturday, August 22, 2015

Revisiting Goals

I am the type who will get lazy when I find satisfaction with anything. What my addictions originate from is mainly from having a competitive nature. I practically suck at a lot of things like paying attention to a million details being thrown at me at once and then being expected to be the best at performing those tasks. I wish I could because then I would become so lazy and rich with the most healthy and sexy body in the world!

Well that's not happening! I have dumbed it down to an acronym to fit my risk taking and excitement seeking persona- BETS.

It's only one post that I talked about it. As a refresher:

B Bible
E Exercise
T Trade
S Study

That's pretty much the core of my personal routine. I have been busting out with watching poker on T.V. and playing Magic: The Gathering (MTG). I think I am a fish when it comes to playing poker. I am really bored of it now from constantly losing. I don't really have the patience to want to get better at it.

With MTG, I am actually satisfied with the work I put into it for fun in building my ultimate deck. I played online people with their own ultimate decks and beat them silly! I am ready to just pack it up and bring it back out only when the opportunity presents itself with other MTG players. I have spent so much time on it that it is time for me to try getting good at something else.

Even though I have those lazy feelings of doing nothing at times, I feel numb about doing hard tasks, and I figure that eventually I am going to get good at it with the more time I spend on it.