Monday, August 31, 2015

Tracking Number of Posts

I'm basically using to check up on what the current day of the year is. After this post, I will have done what I haven't done in awhile which is my goal of being up-to-date and having roughly the number of posts that amount to the days of any given month.

It seems relatively simple, considering how I'm on track with my sixth year to do this task, but I like to write a lot sometimes and pay attention to details that stick out. I've been socializing relatively well with nice people, and it's a challenge for me to stick around with people who are not so delicate with me. Anyway, because I'm a guy, I'm really desensitized to a lot of it and not really realizing the person is going through a hard time with something until later.

It's really boring for me to talk about a jerk's issues for me and something that I find to be stressful at times. It's a little hard for me to keep my cool which is what I have been trying to do all these years in those situations. I guess I can just start by being dedicated to achieving a positive outcome even though I don't feel like it and try asking some questions and pointing out some things that are obvious to me. It might just happen that they could just not be in the mood to fix their poor attitude and just continue trying to wreak things. I believe it really comes down to communicating, but what really helps for me is to just use relaxing self-humor to laugh about the situation and continually minimize my anger with the individual. It's a real pain and something I get tired of but it's about finishing strong for me and giving a valiant effort from the start. I get a little lost at the middle, which is what I see as daily routine. I guess I need to be in the hot seat more and pick my battles often to develop something that works for me and is satisfying while under Biblical laws.