Thursday, August 6, 2015

Some Proposals

These are some steps that I'm planning on making. I'm mainly going to be doing a lot of reading for academia in the area of Information Technology. Even though I don't see the benefits out of that right now, I seem to have a decent interest in it. I also like health-related things too. I guess my main reading topics of interest will be boring health research and dumb ways to get old while interacting with I.T.

I see that making money is boring, but those are the fields that I see myself with a substantial amount of interest. I would rather volunteer in them if I could, but I need some way to sustain a living. I'm doing a job that I hate right now.

I've been thinking to myself, what if I make a lot of money by learning new things and applying them in the field of I.T. Making money then would be just a boring routine for me. I guess I can make my life a little more exciting by donating it to the needy kids who shouldn't be with unclean water and get sick and then die.