Friday, October 16, 2015

Crazy Synopsis

Here's the crazy synopsis I just thought up about my old restraining orders. Because they expired even with the people making an effort to extend it, from applying my new foundation of examining the desires and intentions of the offending party, I'm not really frustrated by it at all! Well, no duh, from how I worded it.

I get to say all I want to them now in person because it's not officially illegal for me being around them anymore. They no longer have the protection of the court to sustain their silly nonsense with me. They are not really going to be people you can take very seriously because of my planned conduct with them. I'm going to also be working at adding them on Facebook too, ahahaha!

Besides if they decide to go for another one, I have all this backdrop story I can fudge along the way to make fun of them in court and then while I had my laughs that exceed my whole lifetime which is exaggerating in that I'll do my best story-telling to talk about how I offended them so that I'm laughing so much and so hard and they are just fuming even more angry; I tell them that since I lived up to not bothering them for the default amount of time the court gave me, I won't mind doing it again and that it will be very beneficial for me because they have something to talk about which will affect their personal relationships and not my own relationships with people because they are already intact. Basically in a nutshell, no matter how much they want to downplay the seriousness factor which will be inevitable by them, they still went for a court order and that's always going to go against them for life. When people find out with my social style of ambush, it's really going to suck for them.