Saturday, October 24, 2015

New Living Template Part 2

Hey, at least I drive a convertible that still drives nice and looks new!
I left with with the third thing that I'm going to do is do my dream job, which is my side job at the moment. I'm trying to become a successful currency trader. I want to become a millionaire with it! There are so many reasons why I want that to happen, but I'm trying to work for it and at the same time, enjoy the style of approach I'm taking it. I really like it actually, and it's pretty cool even though I only know very little of what it's about still. I'm just barely starting to take notice of what I'm doing right and where I need to make adjustments for me. Still, don't take any of my trading recommendations.

The next order of precedence is for me to do personal maintenance. I see it that I'll be showering right after I work out and skipping my trading session, before digging into my dream job. Oh well, it's another one of those hypocritical sessions. It's like it means everything in that I would skip only one level. No, I'm just kidding! I honestly don't think it really matters too much to me. I guess it just feels better after working out to take a shower.

The next step is to worry about my 1000 careers. At the moment, I only have two jobs that I need to juggle around. Still for the average American only dealing with one paying job, I have to deal with two of them! I'm stuck with those two jobs, until my dream job which is my third paying (sometimes losing) job starts making me dividends that I desire. I'm so lazy in my other jobs that I'm not trying to put in a promotion packet at the moment, even though I'm qualified. I guess I'll just get to it then, so that I can maximize my earnings.

The next order that I have installed in line of precedence is what I call play/work. It's a hybrid of being playful and also working on something to add on to my 1000 other jobs. I only have three paying jobs at the moment, but this section is where I get to attempt to have the most fun while I'm depressed about not making enough money in doing something that I think I could potentially make money in.

The last stage which I'm also breaking the rules with and making it first in my line of precedence is play. It deals with friendships, singing horribly and playing the piano alright, MTG, and video games that require me to move around like DDR. Overall, I'm just going to try to follow through all these steps daily even if I only spend like one minute on some of them each day. As long as I did the minimal amount of effort, it's doing something at least and better than nothing. I guess I'll be spending the most times in work and play modes. However, my line of precedence is what I have established and will to try to find some balance in. I think blogging for me is just play also. All this time, I've been writing about what I'm going to do and I consider all this to being playful.