Monday, October 12, 2015

Personally Assessing Self

I'm doing a P.A.S. A personal assessment of self. Like that's going to be easy for me because of my personal bias. Yeah, I'm the king of my own imaginative world. In the infinite universes, there are infinite clones of me that make something happen. Therefore, we are all alike in some way. No, I'm just kidding.

Actually a close friend likes to think that way because he isn't satisfied with his life. I guess the saying goes that misery enjoys company and all that he's probably doing for a defensive mechanism to keep on living in this world is to relate himself to others. I don't really see how that solves any situation or solution constantly thinking like that, so it gets annoying for me to hear him preach about his speculation often! Anyway, in that infinite universe of his, he should try to tap into his billionaire and socialite alter-egos and try to get something going in this world. It's actually pretty entertaining to discuss his view with my other friends.

Okay, because of extreme bias and lack of focus where I might want to end up binging on inherently, egotistical remarks, I will try to limit to Wikipedia's List of stock characters.

Honestly, I am getting some likes with my comments my friends, but it's like more haters than lovers for me. Oh well, I'm going to keep on going and give all my effort for the Lord! I'm not quitting because all of that energy is for the Lord whenever I can remember and get off of my sinning nature. Anyway, I have refrained from doing something for like three weeks now. I'm trying to turn it into longer than three years and it feels like torture right now.

Back to the stock characters, to sum it up in a few words, it's a stereotypical character you label in fiction. I'm going to try to closely give off where I see myself: okay it's going to get a little gruesome and have to swallow some pride to come off honest here.

I'm a

  • nerd
  • spoiled kid
  • everyman
  • fall guy
  • geek
  • sidekick
  • spear carrier
  • strawman 
  • treasure guardian
  • vice

I'm basically ordinary and nothing fancy going on except that I have something very intelligent that I'm working on. I am a pretty hardy individual, and I might pair up with someone whose a lot taller than me like Batman! I could be his stocky and unagile Robin!